Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Welcome to my blog!


                                                     Welcome to my first BLOG!

  Hmmm, What to blog about... How about ME!

HI! You guys can call me Dean, that's not my name, but for now...
I'm 14 and am a self proclaimed writer!
I write songs, short stories, fanfictions , and I'm working on a novel!
So far, my school life has been a long... LONG... ride of emotions.
I was bullied, but sorted that out in 6th grade, thank goodness.
Um, I plan to be a part time writer in the near future, haven't told any family members yet, so yeah!
Other than writing I have a liking in the medical field, not bad.
I also hunt and fish, so you could call me the outdoors type.
So, anyways... Why Did I Start A Blog?
 - I started a blog, out of a idea. My mom had been talking about starting one, but making profit from ads on it, but i just want to write.
Why Do You Like To Write?

- I like to write because, I love to read. Funny, right?
I've always wanted that perfect story. So I've decided to MAKE that perfect story, so others my enjoy it too.  Plus, writing has always seemed to help my stress!

What Do You Plan To Post?

- I plan on posting my work, mainly my fanfictions and some chapters of my novel, it will be fun.

 Now my novel is basically a huge fanfiction, i guess.
It involves Sherlock Holmes, and he's like he is in the BBC version.
So it may never publish, but it will be on my blog!

UM, that seems to be the end for now! I'll post more about myself later on, okee?

Well, see ya in the next blog!   :)

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